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Watershed Board Meeting
LSWCD Board Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting

Office Closed- Holiday Schedule

Our office will be closed on all federal holiday's.


Glenn Alexander Memorial Scholarship Deadline is March 31st of each year.


Bill Ardrey Forestry Scholarship Deadline is March 31st of each year

Conservation Education Mini Grant

Conservation Education Mini Grant deadline is September 30th of each year


Conservation Contest Poster Contest Photo Contest

Local Work Group Meeting

The Federal Farm Bill asks that the local Conservation District provide input itself and obtain input from local people to help US Department of Agriculture programs benefit your county in the best way possible. We are accepting questionnaires throughout the year from the public on our resource concerns in Lancaster County.

Lancaster SWCD Board- COVID UPDATE

Board Meetings are normally held the 1st Monday of each month at 6pm. There is no meeting for the Month of July.

Watershed Board Meeting

Cane Creek and Little Lynches Watershed Board Meetings are held throughout the year. Meeting dates are not set. Keep a check on our facebook and website for notices.

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